These are the main strategic partnerships in Solihull.
The Health and Wellbeing Board is a statutory board, responsible for developing and contributing to the delivery of a joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The Board is helping improve the lives of people in Solihull from pre-birth, reducing inequalities, and increasing the overall quality of health and social care services.
The Safer Solihull Partnership is our borough’s Community Safety Partnership. A statutory partnership board, it is committed to making Solihull a safe place in which to live, work and visit.
The Solihull Safeguarding Children Partnership is a representative group of agencies in Solihull involved in safeguarding children and child protection. Solihull LSCP is made up of members whose role and seniority enable them to commit their organisation/agency to the development and maintenance of effective inter-agency working to safeguard children and young people in Solihull.
The Solihull Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) is made up of nominated lead officers from key organisations within the Solihull area. It includes those organisations that have statutory responsibilities in promoting the welfare of adults and protecting adults whose independence is placed at risk by abuse and neglect.
This pack sets out our integrated public service approach. It explains the common purpose across all our Solihull boards and partnerships, the remit, responsibilities and membership of each of the main multi-agency boards and partnerships, and gives an overview of the relationships between them.