
Changes to eMagazines and eNewspapers from 1st April 2025

OverDrive will be making changes to how you access eMagazines from April 1st 2025. eNewspapers will continue to be available through PressReader and NewsbankUK, but eMagazines will now only be available through OverDrive’s Libby app and website.

On this page you will find information on how to use Libby but please do contact us on 247library@solihull.gov.uk if you need further help.


Time Magazine has been removed from Libby by its publisher, but all editions are available free at the Time website.

You can access the eMagazine service completely free of charge using your library card.

Download eMagazines from Libby

Read eMagazines

Our eMagazine service is provided by Overdrive through the Libby website and app - see the instructions for borrowing and reading eMagazines.

If you are playing the video click on the CC button on the bottom of the screen for subtitles.

For eMagazines login with your library card/membership number and PIN. Contact 247library@solihull.gov.uk if you need to check or reset your library card number and PIN. All formats of Solihull library cards will work.

You can download and read full digital copies of magazines (including back issues) available from your computer, smartphone or tablet, wherever you are.

Over 4000 worldwide and over 400 UK titles are available, along with 3 years’ worth of back issues.

Magazines available include popular titles such as:

  • Radio Times and other TV listings magazines;
  • Good Housekeeping;
  • Esquire UK;
  • Heat;
  • New Scientist;
  • Autocar; and
  • Hello;

but the larger range includes something for all interests, including children’s titles.

On Libby magazines are now loaned for 3 weeks rather than being available to keep. There is no limit on the number of eMagazines borrowed.

If you are just reading magazines downloaded from Solihull Libraries eMagazine service, the Libby app is available to download for Apple and Android devices, which also allows for offline reading. 

For Kindle Fires, the Libby app has now been made available by Amazon through its App Store.


With our eNewspaper services you can read full colour digital copies of thousands of newspapers  from over 100 countries and over 60 languages on your computer, smartphone or tablet, wherever you are.

PressReader includes all UK national newspapers apart from the Times/Sunday Times, and the Sun/Sun on Sunday, plus many local papers and worldwide titles. You can read these as if you were reading a physical paper, turning the pages and it's the whole paper including sports results, adverts and pictures - and even crosswords!

NewsbankUK includes UK newspapers and also the Times/Sunday Times and Sun/Sun on Sunday, plus many local papers including the Solihull Observer. In addition you can search newspaper archives for articles back to the 1980s for national papers, and also local papers including the Birmingham Mail and Solihull News. 

NewsbankUK includes articles from the Financial Times but only after 30 days has passed from the dates of publication. It is not possible to view the current Financial Times online through our eNewspaper services.

Logging into PressReader from our website