To help protect and conserve Solihull’s unique character as a 'Town in the Country', we have 20 conservation areas in the borough.
A conservation area is an area of special architectural or historic interest the character or appearance of which is worthy of being preserved or enhanced.
Search our Conservation, Heritage and Enforcement map
Request an area becomes a conservation area
We’re responsible for designating conservation areas in Solihull. You can request that your area becomes a conservation area by emailing us at
Please provide details explaining how it is an architecturally or historically significant area, with a character or appearance that is worthy of preservation or enhancement.
Regulations in conservation areas
There are greater regulations in place in conservation areas to ensure that all works preserve or enhance the area’s character or appearance. This means that:
- detailed planning applications will be needed
- there are restrictions to permitted development rights for minor works. A conservation area may also be the subject of an article 4 Direction, which removes further permitted development rights
- demolition of a building in a conservation area may need planning permission
- no work to trees such as felling and lopping can typically be done without our consent
- all illuminated and many non-illuminated signs need consent
- If unsure of any of the above, please read our information on conservation areas or check with us at
Solihull conservation area appraisal and management plan
The appraisal and management plan records the special architectural and historic interest of the Solihull conservation area.
The document can assist developers, property owners and tenants when creating development proposals or carrying out alterations to their properties.
Local validation for conservation areas
You can check whether our local validation criteria apply to any works you propose in a conservation area.