The services offered through the Family Hub offer are:

Start to life

Health visitors from South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust hold clinics and sessions in the Family Hub regularly.  They offer advice and support from pregnancy to school age.  For more information please visit - Health visiting services

There will be sessions in Family Hubs and support for bonding and building your baby’s brain.  This is key for good early child development.  Support will be offered from pregnancy to four years. For more information, please visit

For parents/carers that may be struggling with their emotional wellbeing or mental health there will be advice, support and referral to services that can help.  For more information, please visit

Support and advice on feeding infants and responsive parenting including breast feeding.  There will be breast feeding cafés in hubs and access to UNICEF Gold baby friendly accredited support.

An intensive programme for adolescent parents/carers working with families from early pregnancy up to two years.  The programme is open to first time parents aged under 19 or under 21 for young people who have experience of the care system.

Health and lifestyle services

There will be advice and support for children and young people who are experiencing issues with their emotional wellbeing or their mental health.  SOLAR will be offering sessions and support through the Family Hub offer.

The school nursing team support health and wellbeing for school age children up to the age of 19.  School nurses see families in the hubs.

We can offer a range of support to help families enjoy healthy eating and physical activity.  Some hubs will feature cookery sessions for families.  Advice and support on keeping active will be available through the hubs.

Some hubs will have guided buggy walks, walking and cycling routes from the hub front door.

There will be support and advice on alcohol and drug use available in the Family Hub for families.

Learning and development

There are lots of things you can do to support your child’s early development from singing, playing, cuddling, and getting out in the fresh air.  There will be sessions in the hubs to support parents and carers nurture their children.  If your child is home educated, you can access computers and tablets in Family Hubs to support their learning. 

Family Hub staff will be trained to offer advice and support for accessing early education along with financial entitlement. 

Children, teenagers and young adults

Family Hubs will host a range of activities for families with young children including friendly Stay and Plays and sessions on parenting and child development.  Everyone is welcome. 

Family Hubs will host a range health related services, events and information which families can access on topics such as physical and mental health and wellbeing.  Staff will know how to connect families into local services and signpost to those taking place within the hubs.  Various aspects of the local offer will be provided in the Hubs.  Check the timetable to find out about events near you or visit our Local Offer page to see what’s available across the borough.

Staff working within the hubs are knowledgeable about SEND and can support families with accessing SEND support services such as SENDIASS.  They can advise parents on the SEND code of practice and how to request an Education Health Care assessment for example and signpost to the Local Offer. 

Youth justice services will be accessible via staff at the Family hubs.  Staff will be able to connect children and families to the right support for their needs.  Some youth justice services will be co-located in the Family Hubs.  The safety and well-being of young people is integral to the planning and delivery of services to safeguard public protection and community safety.  

Family Hubs provide information and can refer young people into youth services such as youth clubs, sports and activity clubs, homework clubs and uniformed Youth groups such as the scouts and guides.  Some youth services will take place at the Hubs and appear on the Family Hub timetable.   

Support for parents and carers

Family Hub staff will be trained to offer first line support for debt and welfare advice and connect families to appropriate services at the Hubs or within the network.  Hubs will be able to support with access to food banks and community swop shops for families experiencing financial difficulties.

Here to help

Family Hubs are a safe space for victims of domestic abuse to come.  Whether you wish to speak to a member of staff in private or access a support group you can seek advice and help at the Hubs

Family Hub staff can help you reach the housing support you need.  Along with links to Solihull Community Housing we can also help you with accessing support if you are struggling to pay your rent or have concerns about anti-social behaviour in your area. 

There are times when you and your family may need a little bit of extra support.  You can come to the Hubs and speak to a member of staff who will be able to make sure you get the right support for your needs at the time and at a place which is most suitable for you. 

Family Hubs offer a range of free parenting programmes to support parents and carers of children of all ages - from bump right through to teens. The programmes equip parents and carers with information, tools and strategies which will help to; understand your child better; improve communication; manage challenging behaviour and build a more supportive relationship.  A timetable can be accessed from the hub.

We understand that parental conflict and parent separation can have an impact on your children and your partner in maintaining a healthy relationship.

Community safety

Family Hubs will provide access to information provided by West Midlands Fire Service on safety topics such as home safety, bedtime safety and seasonal campaigns such as Christmas and water safety.  Staff can refer for home safety checks and the accredited youth programme for 12-16 year olds.