Supporting our VCS

A range of support is available for all activities, groups and organisations that operate within the borough.

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Solihull Community Development Team (CDT)

Solihull Council's CDT consists of nine Community Development Officers and Team Leader, who work closely with communities. Please download the CDT map for further information on your local officer and how to contact them. Alternatively email

Warwickshire & Solihull Community and Voluntary Action (CAVA)

Warwickshire & Solihull CAVA are the local VCS Infrastructure Organisation for Warwickshire & Solihull. They provide vital, free to access, support to the volunteers, groups, organisations, CICs, enterprises and charities who are working across Solihull communities.

For further information please contact Aline Boblin by email, telephone 07966380213 or visit the website

Free Social Enterprise Support for Growing Organisations in Solihull

If you are an existing registered social enterprise, a limited company looking to maximise its social mission or a sole trader looking to start a social enterprise i-SE can help you with free support.

Business coaching offered is tailored to your individual needs and could include one to one support, access to events and workshops and onward referral to a sector specialist Accounts Manager at the Growth Hub.

Help includes:

  • Problem solving
  • Access to new markets and supply chain opportunities
  • Links to potential partners and new networks
  • Business planning
  • Links to social investment

Contact Simon Veasey, visit the i-SE website.