The Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations Plan (previously referred to as the Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations DPD) was adopted by the Council on 2 December 2014.
The Inspectors Report on the examination into the Solihull Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations Plan was received by the Council on the 17 October 2014 and was considered by Full Council on 2nd December 2014. Full Council resolved to agree the main modifications to the Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations Plan, as recommended by the Inspector, and adopt the Plan. The Main Modifications are set out in the Appendix to the Inspectors report.
The Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations Plan, the first to be adopted in England, now forms part of the Councils Statutory Development Plan and the starting point in planning decisions.
The following documents are now published in accordance with Regulations 26 and 35 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning)(England) Regulations 2012.
Solihull Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations Plan - December 2014
Inspectors Final Report - 17 October 2014
The Adoption Statement - includes details of where the Plan and other relevant documents are available for viewing and details of the challenge period in which anyone aggrieved by the Plan can make an application to the High Court
Sustainability Appraisal Report to the Submission Draft - March 2013
Sustainability Appraisal Report to the Submission Document - June 2013
Sustainability Appraisal Report to the Main Modifications - June 2014
Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations Plan Found Sound (October 2014)
The Council received the Inspector’s Report into the examination of the Solihull Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations Plan on 17 October 2014 which was published by the Council on 3 November 2014. The Inspector’s report concludes that with the recommended modifications appended to her report, the plan is sound. Solihull’s Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations Plan is the first in the country to be found sound.
The Council is now required to consider the adoption of the plan and the Inspector’s report will be considered by Full Council on 2 December 2014.
Modifications to the Gypsy and Traveller Development Plan Document (July 2014)
In response to the Inspector’s soundness concerns, the Council has published a Schedule of Main Modifications to the plan. Consultation on the Main Modifications closed on 27 August 2014 (See the independent examination page for more information).
Examination of the Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations Development Plan Document (August 2013)
An independent Planning Inspector has been appointed to carry out the independent examination of the Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations Development Plan Document.
The hearing session into the Plan, part of the examination process, took place on 17 December 2013.
Submission of the Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations Development Plan Document (July 2013)
Solihull Council has submitted its Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations Development Plan Document to the Secretary of State for public examination in accordance with Section 20 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) and Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. The document will be examined by an independent planning inspector to assess whether the DPD is sound and legally compliant.
The DPD, evidence base and other documents supporting the submission, including the Sustainability Appraisal and Statement of Consultation are available to view in the attachments on the right hand side of the page. Copies of the documents are also available to view at all Solihull Connect Centres and libraries in the Borough. Paper copies of the DPD Submission document are available for public inspection at the locations listed in the Regulation 22 Submission Statement.
A Planning Inspector will carry out the public examination of the Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations DPD. Information on the progress of the public examination such as the start date for any hearings will be posted on these web pages as soon as they are available.
For more information contact the Policy and Spatial Planning Team on or 0121 704 6394.
Publication of the Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations Development Plan Document Submission Draft (April 2013) (Now closed)
Following Cabinet approval on 21 March 2013, the Council published its Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) Submission Draft for a six week period of representation, in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.
The statutory period for making representations in relation to the ‘legal compliance’ and ‘soundness’ of the DPD ran from Friday 5th April 2013 until 5.00pm on Friday 17th May 2013.
The Council’s Cabinet considered representations and recommendations on the Submission Draft DPD and resolved to recommend to full Council that the document be submitted to the Secretary of State for formal examination.
On 9th July Full Council approved submission of the DPD to the Secretary of State.
Consultation on the Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations DPD (Preferred Options document) (NOW CLOSED)
In July and August the Council published its Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations DPD 'Preferred Options' for public consultation. The Preferred Options Document represents a significant step forward towards meeting the accommodation needs of Gypsies and Travellers in Solihull. It sets out the Council's approach to meeting the identified need of 38 permanent residential pitches between 2012 and 2027, and includes the identification of sites that the Council considers suitable to meet these requirements.
The responses to the preferred options paper consultation have now been considered and the Council's comments on the responses and recommendations are now available.
Consultation on the Gypsy and Traveller Site Allocations DPD (Options Paper) (NOW CLOSED)
In July and August 2011 the Council consulted on a Gypsy and Traveller site allocations development plan document (DPD) ‘options’ paper, which looked to identify the possible ways pitches and sites could come forward.
The options paper also included a ‘call for sites’ exercise, where people could suggest sites they think are suitable for Gypsies and Travellers.
The responses to the options paper have now been considered and the Council's comments on the responses were published in October 2011. A number of new sites were suggested to the Council by the people who took part in the consultation. All these sites are available to view in the 'List of Submitted Sites' document.