44 years of fostering for Solihull couple


Jean and Ken Jones from Solihull have reached the amazing milestone of 44 years as foster parents. Over an astonishing four decades, they have provided a loving place to call home for in excess of 40 children, from babies to 17 year old young people. 

Incredibly their fostering journey may not have even begun, if they hadn’t witnessed their neighbours, short term fostering a number of pre-adoption babies at the end of the 1970’s. The babies became a talking point which struck a chord with Jean in particular, who was interested to know more. After months of conversations with their neighbours, Jean had started to consider the prospect of fostering a child. Being less certain that fostering was for them, Ken discussed the concept on a number of occasions with the male neighbour. These conversations provided the impetus but also the confirmation Ken needed, and it wasn’t long before the couple started making enquiries about next steps to find out more.

Jean commented: “We didn’t think we could have children but shortly after our very first foster child, Jacqueline, was placed with us, I fell pregnant. Ending the placement didn’t enter our minds, we felt very fortunate to have both children.”

Now both retired, Jean, who managed a hair salon, and Ken, who worked in the automotive industry providing training to apprentices, continued to foster children over the intervening years. They have taken on children over varying lengths of time, from emergency and short term foster care, to long term care. They accepted an emergency placement of a sibling group of three children, who were with them for two years, before being adopted. Jean and Ken have also had Special Guardian Orders for three young children placed with them, through The Fostering Network.

Their experience with fostering made such an impact, that the couple took the big step to adopt two young boys in the early 1990’s one of whom remains at home. Jean and Ken have demonstrated that accepting children who have often had a challenging and traumatic start in life, and providing a nurturing and happy home, can be truly life changing for the young people involved. Presently the couple are fostering a 17 year old young man, who was placed with them three years ago.

Jean said: “He’s very much part of the family, and we’re so pleased that he’ll be with us permanently now due to a ‘staying put’ arrangement.“

She continued: “Providing reassurance and security are crucial parts of fostering. We are proud to be foster carers, there are lots of ups and downs but I can honestly say the joys are so rewarding. It’s a great feeling to see a child become the best person they can be in life. And when one of your previous foster children gets in touch or we arrange to meet up, this really speaks for itself.”

In relation to people being unsure about becoming a carer, Ken said: “There is no specific skillset and feelings of apprehension and uncertainty happen to everyone when thinking about fostering. You get a real sense of putting something back into society, and by offering warmth and friendliness, you are making a big difference to a child.”

Jean said: “The training from Solihull Council is very practical and we found it really good, helping you deal with many things that happen on a child’s journey. And don’t be afraid, you can help to change a young person’s life for the better, it also keeps you young!”

Councillor Karen Grinsell, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children and Education, said:

“It was a real pleasure to meet Jean and Ken and to hear their fostering story, it’s both humbling and inspirational in equal measure. Their fostering journey began 44 years ago and ever since they have provided a loving, safe and welcoming home environment to countless children and young people. Similar to Jean and Ken’s position many years ago, being a foster parent may not be on your radar. However, I would encourage anybody who would consider caring for a Solihull child, to find out more by visiting our website. If you’d prefer to have an initial chat with one of our friendly and experienced foster care colleagues, we’d love to hear from you. Fostering can be challenging at times, yet one of the most rewarding things you could ever do for a child."

Visit https://www.fosterforsolihull.co.uk/ to find out more and to download the Information Guide.

For an informal chat with a friendly and experienced fostering social worker, call 0121 788 4474

Email: fosteringrecruitment@solihull.gov.uk