Celebrating youth work in every place in space


Monday 6 November marks the beginning of Youth Work Week 2023, where the fantastic work of youth groups and organisations in Solihull is recognised and celebrated.  

The theme this year is ‘youth work in every place and space’, highlighting the importance of making youth work accessible and available across all communities.

In Solihull, much work has taken place over the last year to develop projects and provide support to groups working with young people. The Youth Opportunities Board Solihull (YOBS) was set up in November 2022 by local voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) groups in the sector. Through offering networking, training and support, the group wants to make sure that all children and young people have access to quality youth opportunities.

Councillor Wazma Qais, Cabinet Member for Communities & Leisure explains: “Youth work in every place and space is something we are working towards making happen in Solihull, and YOBS is playing a big part in helping to coordinate this.

“You will be able to see much of the great work that takes place across our borough on social media throughout Youth Work Week, highlighted via ‘spotlight’ features on local groups and organisations.

“Alongside the brilliant work of our local groups, the Community Development Team at the Council has been involved in establishing a 6-week course on mental health for schools. We are now extending this to our youth work organisations to help build peer to peer support networks for young people.”

Solihull Council also runs the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme which offers activities and meals during the school holidays to young people from reception to Year 11. Those in receipt of benefits-related free school meals can take part in physical or enriching activities such as sports, dance, drama, or arts and crafts. It is a great opportunity for children to have new experiences, make friends and learn new things.

Volunteer opportunities are available for young people in Solihull including those doing their Duke of Edinburgh Award. Some Solihull libraries are able to provide places for students, and the Council’s environmental initiative, Love Solihull, can put young people in touch with local litter picking groups.

Youth Work Week is a chance to raise awareness of the difference youth work makes to young people, providing them with somewhere to go, something fun to do, the chance to make new friends, learn new skills and receive the support of a trusted adult. To get involved on social media use the hashtags #YWW23 and #YWW23Solihull. 

If you are a youth organisation in Solihull and would like support and information, please get in touch via cdt@solihull.gov.uk.