Solihull Council is aware of the national debate about free school meals and wants to clarify the local arrangements in this borough to support families during the half-term break.
The Council recognises it has been a really difficult year for everyone, especially challenging for those people who are unemployed or who are having to manage on a reduced income. There is a lot of support available for Solihull residents who are struggling financially.
Some of the confusion around the current debate comes from the continuation of free school meals during Easter. This was organised nationally and was only possible because the schools remained open. The situation in this half term is very different.
However, the Council's Here2Help pages have information on how to access a range of support. This includes access to financial support or help with access to food, including for families whose children received free school meals during term time. The Council and Schools will be contacting those families to set out the help available across the Borough.
We work closely with a number of local foodbanks in Solihull who are happy to support anyone in need. More information is available on the Here2Help pages.
The Council’s call centre can help connect you to local community and neighbourhood support or refer you to a local food bank - just call 0121 704 6000.
Support is also available from The Around Again Social Supermarket in Fordbridge and from Age UK who can do shopping for elderly people with a medical condition or special cultural dietary need.
For more information on all of the support available you can ring Solihull Connect on 0121 704 6000 or go to our Here2Help on the Council's website.