Health and Wellbeing Strategy – three days left to tell us what you think


Residents of Solihull are invited to complete a short survey on the Council’s updated Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The survey closes on Thursday September 12 so there are just three days left to let us know your thoughts.

The survey can be completed on the Council’s engagement platform, Your Voice Solihull.

Councillor Ian Courts, Chair of Solihull’s Health and Wellbeing Board and Leader of Solihull Council, said: “I’d really encourage anyone who hasn’t yet done so to complete our short survey, and help shape the strategy.

“The Strategy aims to set out how we aim to support everyone in Solihull to live happier and healthier lives, as well as outlining our plans to reduce the inequalities that we know exist across the borough.”

The Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy, which will run from 2024 to 2032, has six themes. Five of the themes cover different stages of life, ranging from maternity to end of life. The sixth theme focuses on improving mental health for people of all ages.

The draft strategy has been developed by the Public Health team. It takes in to account other related documents, including the Story of Solihull, the Solihull Local Outcomes Framework – which sets out how progress on the strategy will be measured – and the Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care System 10 Year Strategy.