Help us improve support for carers in Solihull


Solihull Council is inviting people who care for a family member or friend in Solihull to join a new forum and help the Council to keep improving the lives of unpaid carers in the borough.

Councillor Tony Dicicco, cabinet member for Adult Social Care and Health, explains why the forum is needed now. “We’re half way through delivering the Council’s five-year Carers’ Strategy. It’s time to take stock and check if we are still focussing on the right priorities.”

He continues: “We are looking for at least 50 people with current experience of caring for a family member or friend in Solihull to join the forum. We want to involve young carers, working age carers, parent carers and older people caring for their husband, wife, partner or relative.”

“The forum will provide a space for you to come together with council officers, discuss what matters to you and share feedback about the care and support available for unpaid carers in Solihull. Through the forum you will influence and design initiatives that make a difference.”

“The latest census tells us there are about 20,000 people in Solihull with caring responsibilities but we’re confident that’s an underestimate. And if you’re not an unpaid carer, you’re likely to know someone who is.  Please help us to spread the word and encourage the carers you know to get involved.”

To express interest in joining the forum and to share views about priorities for discussion at the forum, carers are being asked to complete this online survey. Printed surveys are also available on request in Solihull libraries and Community Advice Hubs.

Anyone with questions about the carers’ forum can also email the Engagement Team at