Mayor of Solihull launches her Mayoral charities for 2024-25


The Mayor of Solihull, Cllr Shahin Ashraf MBE, recently attended events across the borough to announce the three Mayoral charities she will be supporting during her term as Mayor.

The three charities that the Mayor has chosen to support are Marie Curie, OASIS Mental Health Support (formerly Solihull Mind) and Social Life Opportunities (SoLO). Last week, she attended events at the Marie Curies West Midlands Hospice Garden, OASIS’s horticultural project site in Knowle, and SoLO’s south Solihull location to announce her support and meet staff, volunteers and service users.

The Mayor of Solihull said:

“I have chosen Marie Curie, OASIS and SoLO as my Mayoral charities this year because all three of these fantastic organisations are very close to my heart.”

Marie Curie

Marie Curie provides care and support for anyone with an illness they are likely to die from and those close to them. It is the largest charitable UK funder of palliative and end of life care research.

“Supporting Marie Curie as a charity matters to me because my father suffered from non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and required palliative care. The experience was devastating, highlighting the critical need for Marie Curie’s wonderful staff and volunteers who provide compassionate and professional support during such challenging times.

“In memory of my father and in honour of the care he received, I want to support Marie Curie to help ensure that others facing similar battles can receive the same expert care. Their work is a beacon of hope in the fight against cancer, and supporting them means contributing to a cause that brings comfort, dignity, and support to countless families in their time of need.

OASIS Mental Health Support

OASIS seeks to improve the quality, quantity, and accessibility of services for people with emotional distress, providing advice and support for those experiencing mental health problems.

“I have also chosen OASIS as a Mayoral charity because they are dedicated to dismantling the stigma surrounding mental health and advocating for equal treatment and opportunities for all. Each of us knows someone who has faced the often-silent struggles of mental health issues. I have seen firsthand the impact it has on individuals and families, and I am committed to making a difference.

“OASIS makes a bold statement that our community will not stand by and allow mental health challenges to be a source of shame or isolation. Instead, we will provide the warmth and support needed to help every individual flourish. We will offer a beacon of hope, much like an oasis in the desert, to those who are struggling, letting them know they are not alone and that help is available.”

Social Life Opportunities

SoLO supports children, young people and adults with learning disabilities in Solihull, creating a comfortable and safe environment for individuals with disabilities to be stretched, challenged, and take risks in order to realise their full potential.

“Finally, I have chosen SoLO because my journey with individuals with disabilities began long before my tenure as Mayor. Working closely with these remarkable individuals has taught me invaluable lessons in resilience, empathy, and the true meaning of community. I have seen the challenges they face and the triumphs they achieve, often against great odds.

“As a leader, it is my duty to advocate for those who may not always have a voice in our society. SoLO embodies the values I hold dear and the vision I have for our community – one where inclusivity, support, and empowerment are at the forefront.”

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