£263k Community Infrastructure Funds Now Available


Groups within Solihull can now bid for a share of funding from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in order to improve their local neighbourhoods. A total of over £263,000 is available for community groups to bid for, spread across the wards of our borough.

This funding comes from the CIL that has been collected in 2020/21, plus funds that have been ‘rolled over’ from previous years. Bids for funds must be submitted by 30 September 2021.

The money is collected from new developments as part of the normal planning process. It is intended to support community projects in areas where development has taken place. The funds are either placed into ‘ward pots’ (in areas without a parish council), which will now be open to ‘bids’ from local communities, or distributed directly to the 13 parish and town councils in the borough.

Councillor Alison Rolf, Cabinet Member for Stronger and Safer Communities, said:

“This is a great opportunity for community groups to benefit, thereby benefitting the wider community too. This money can make a real difference for many groups and neighbourhoods and I would urge any interested organisations to check if they meet the requirements and then make a bid”.

To be considered, groups and organisations must be formally constituted; have a bank account with two unrelated signatories; at least two unrelated management committee members if they are an unincorporated organisation or a voluntary group and show good financial management procedures, including records of income and expenditure.

For more information visit our website here. If you are interested, please contact the CIL team via cil@solihull.gov.uk or call on 0121 704 8008.

This table details the amount of funding available for each ward:

Neighbourhood Area

Amount Available


 £       39,040.06


 £       20,499.61


 £       50,406.00


 £       81,522.79


 £       44,403.46


 £       27,621.23