Solihull Council opens first of three children’s homes


Solihull Council has opened the first of three new children’s homes, which will provide a secure place in the borough for children and young people who need a caring, supportive and consistent environment to live in.  

Previously, the Council has relied on placing children in homes outside Solihull, which can be disruptive for the children as they are moved away from people and places they know. The new homes will prevent this whilst lowering costs.  

The first home was officially opened at an event attended by Leader of the Council Councillor Ian Courts and Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services & Education Councillor Karen Grinsell, along with newly recruited staff who will be working in the home. 

The home was made possible after the Council secured around £1.5m in funding from the Department for Education, which was used to buy three properties in the borough from NHS England and carry out extensive refurbishment. There has also been the challenge recruiting a new staff group to manage and run the homes, but a great staff team are now in place.

Speaking about the newly opened home, and the others which will follow it, Councillor Grinsell said:

“The opening of this home is a huge achievement and marks a real milestone in the improvement journey of our Children’s Services. 

“There are many benefits to running our own children’s homes – the capacity to house vulnerable children in a place where they have connections and are familiar with the area can be vital at what is often a really difficult time in their lives, and placing children with other local authorities or in private homes can be really costly. It also gives us more control over the space they will be living in, so we can make sure that it really is the best possible place to meet their needs.

“With one home open already and the others likely to follow in the coming weeks, we’ll be able to provide a brilliant, stable environment led by caring and dedicated professionals who will be on hand to support the children and provide them with all the opportunities they deserve”.