Solihull Council responds to latest Ofsted report


This morning (Wednesday 22 November) Ofsted published its report following the latest monitoring visit to Solihull Council's children's services. You can view it here: Ofsted report

Commenting on the report, Councillor Ian Courts, Leader of Solihull Council, said:

“Children’s services remain our top priority and we are determined to ensure we are providing children, young people and families with the quality of services that they deserve.

“We accept the findings of the recent Ofsted monitoring visit to our children’s services which took place in October.

“As I have previously said, this Council is fully committed to making the necessary changes to children’s services. Whilst there was an acknowledgement of a number of improvements that have happened, and indeed on the focus that we have on the areas we need to improve, we recognise that greater pace is needed, along with more consistency in our social work practice.

“During their visit, inspectors recognised that social workers are developing better relationships with parents and children, which is enabling them to more clearly understand concerns and help improve their lives.

“I am pleased that Ofsted recognise the strong political and financial commitment to our improvement agenda. This will continue.”