Solihull Local Plan – update 6 September 2024


Following the Council’s letters to the Planning Inspectors in February and May as well as further submissions last month, they have now responded to the Council. A copy of their letter dated 4 September 2024 is available on the examination web page.

Despite the Council setting out an improved land supply position, and other potential revisions to the plan to enable it to be found sound, the Inspectors believe that there will remain a significant shortfall in the land supply for the borough.

The Inspectors also believe that the contribution of 2,000 homes in Solihull to help meet the needs of areas outside Solihull is a fundamental element of the plan that should be delivered by 2031.

They have therefore concluded that Solihull’s Local Plan should be withdrawn from Examination.

Councillor Courts, Leader of the Council said:

“We are deeply disappointed in the Inspectors’ conclusions, which could have massive implications for the borough. 

“We have consistently set out a pragmatic approach to the Inspectors, to enable them to progress the examination in a positive and timely manner. We had sought to plan positively and sustainably for the homes and economic growth opportunities the borough needs, whilst working collaboratively with our neighbours.

“However, it seems the Inspectors are insistent on further substantial loss of Green Belt, along the lines of recent government pronouncements, rather than a pragmatic plan. 

“We will need to carefully consider our next steps and will do so with the best long-term interests of the borough in mind.”