Alternative provision (AP) refers to educational settings designed for students who, for various reasons, are unable to attend mainstream schools. This can include those with:
- behavioural issues
- medical conditions
- other challenges that hinder their participation in traditional classrooms
AP aims to provide tailored support, helping students to re-engage with education and achieve academic and personal development goals.
These provisions can take various forms, including:
- special schools
- pupil referral units (PRUs)
- other educational institutions that focus on specific needs
The goal of AP is not only to deliver education but also to support students' social and emotional well-being. AP provides a route back into mainstream education or prepares them for future employment or training opportunities.
Here are some of the alternative providers that are utilised in Solihull
- Solihull Academy (The Apollo Centre, Mercury Centre, Saturn Centre, The Orbital Project)
- Daylesford Academy (Daylesford, Apollo)
- Refresh SISS SEMH Nurture Provision
- Triple Crown Centre
- The Elms
- Yew Tree Cedars
There are also private tutoring companies contracted to work with individual children.
Additional information
- Primary AP pathways 2024-2025
- 14-16 vocational opportunities
- Solihull AP / ARP offer 2024-25
- The Student Voice - Solihull Alternative Provision Multi Academy Trust