Your future Solihull - Fairtrade Fortnight

Fairtrade Fortnight

Fairtrade is a system of certification that aims to ensure a set of standards are met in the production and supply of a product or ingredient. For farmers and workers, Fairtrade means workers’ rights, safer working conditions and fairer pay. For shoppers it means high quality, ethically produced products. 

Solihull was awarded Fairtrade Borough status in 2010 and is a proud supporter of Fairtrade Fortnight – a national event which takes place in September every year to promote awareness about Fairtrade and shine a light on the overseas communities on the front line of the climate crisis. The ongoing climate crisis remains the biggest threat to the livelihoods of millions of small-scale farmers and agricultural workers in low-income countries worldwide.

Each year, fun-filled activities take place in the borough, including the Solihull Fairtrade Trail, featuring fantastic sculptures and artworks from local schools. Find out more about Fairtrade in Solihull.