Solihull Council has developed a refreshed Town Centre Masterplan providing a blueprint for future investment and development in the town centre over the next fifteen years. It seeks to provide a framework to maximise opportunities, make best use of existing assets, and set out a clear vision for Solihull in 2036 while still retaining the character which makes the town centre so popular.
The Town Centre Masterplan is underpinned by a strong evidence base which brings together detailed physical analysis of the town centre; a baseline socioeconomic assessment and market review; and feedback from extensive stakeholder engagement. The evidence base highlights the key features that make the town what it is today, tells us where our strengths lie, and what our opportunities for the future are.
The Masterplan forms part of the ambitious UK Central programme which aims to capitalise on Solihull’s central location, its national and international connectivity, and strong links with Birmingham and Coventry, to make it an even more attractive place to live, work and invest in.