Ask us to investigate a tree on a road or in a park
You can also call us on 0121 704 8000.
It can take:
- up to 3 months to inspect a tree; and
- a further 3 months for any identified work to be completed
We prioritise work on trees that are causing a health and safety risk.
The inspection will determine if work is necessary and how it is prioritised.
Tree Preservation Orders and Conservation Areas
Before you consider doing any work to a tree you should find out if it is protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) or are within a Conservation Area. If the tree is protected, you will need consent by making an application or give notice to the Council.
If you need help with your gardening
If you are not physically able to maintain your garden yourself, you can contact the Family Care Trust on 0121 770 2005 or 07977 934 813.
They can give you a quote to undertake gardening works on your behalf or alternatively, you can make your own arrangements.