Who can contact us?
Anyone can contact us, including:
- If you're at risk of, or are being abused or neglected
- Family members
- Friends and neighbours
- Someone working for the council; a private, independent or voluntary organisation
- Members of the public
What will happen next?
- Anything you tell us will be kept in confidence, but we may need to share certain information to keep you safe.
- We will listen to your individual circumstances and look at how serious the situation is before deciding how to respond.
- Our first priority is to ensure you, and any other people who may also be at risk, are safe.
- We will follow a careful and sensitive process to help decide what to do next.
- We will work together with all of the relevant organisations and give you information and advice.
- We may need to investigate or take further action in order to protect you.
- We can provide an advocate for you and your carer.