Energy Network - Enabling works on Homer Road

Enabling road works, requiring a full closure (both directions) on Homer Road are set to continue from Monday 24 February 2025 until Friday 23 May 2025.

To limit disruption, the work will be carried out in seven separate sections, starting at the top of Homer Road (by the vacant Westgate site) and working their way down to the Core Theatre.

While through access will not be possible until all of the works are complete, vehicle and pedestrian access to all business sites along the closure will be maintained throughout.

Diversions will be clearly signposted via Prince’s Way.

All works are expected to be lifted for Easter bank holiday weekend.

Map of the Homer Road diversion plan showing sections of planned work

The above drawing shows the planned closures between Monday 24 February and Friday 23 May 2025. The exact start date for each section will be determined by the speed of which works can be completed by Vital Energi.

You can view the relevant traffic management plans for each section below.

While through access will not be possible until all of the works are complete, vehicle and pedestrian access to all business sites along the closure will be maintained throughout.

Touchwood Car Park
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Core Theatre Car Park
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Civic Suite / Register Office
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Entry from Prince’s Way Junction
Exit towards Prince’s Way Junction

31 Homer Road
Entry from Prince’s Way Junction
Exit towards Prince’s Way Junction

Air Building
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout or Herbert Road
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Entry from Churchill Road roundabout or Herbert Road
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Police Station
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout or Herbert Road
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Home Office
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout or Herbert Road
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Paragon Bank
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout or Herbert Road
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Crowne Plaza
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout or Herbert Road
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

While through access will not be possible until all of the works are complete, vehicle and pedestrian access to all business sites along the closure will be maintained throughout.

Touchwood Car Park
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Core Theatre Car Park
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Civic Suite / Register Office
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Entry from Churchill Roundabout or right turn from Herbert Road
Exit towards Churchill Roundabout

31 Homer Road
Entry from Churchill Roundabout or right turn from Herbert Road
Exit towards Churchill Roundabout

Air Building
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout or Herbert Road
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Entry from Churchill Road roundabout or Herbert Road
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Police Station
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout or Herbert Road
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Home Office
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout or Herbert Road
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Paragon Bank
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout or Herbert Road
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Crowne Plaza
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout or Herbert Road
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Lewis Customer Collections and Touchwood Deliveries
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout or Herbert Road
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

While through access will not be possible until all of the works are complete, vehicle and pedestrian access to all business sites along the closure will be maintained throughout.

Touchwood Car Park
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Core Theatre Car Park
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Civic Suite / Register Office
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Entry from Prince’s Way roundabout or right turn from Herbert Road
Exit towards Prince’s Way roundabout

31 Homer Road
Entry from Prince’s Way roundabout or right turn from Herbert Road
Exit towards Prince’s Way roundabout

Air Building
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Entry from Churchill Road roundabout
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Police Station
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Home Office
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Paragon Bank
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

Crowne Plaza
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout

John Lewis Customer Collections and Touchwood Deliveries
Entry from Churchill Road roundabout
Exit towards Churchill Road roundabout