Class teachers and support staff should ensure that they have a good understanding of the child or young person’s developmental history and learning profile and that they have access to recent assessment information.
Children or young people are considered to have a multi-sensory impairment when they have a dual loss to both their distance senses - hearing and vision.
A family hub is a place where children, young people and their families can go when in need of help and support. The people working in the family hub will be from the council, NHS and voluntary partners, working in partnership with you and your community.
Details about Tax Free Childcare, Childcare support while you study, the Universal Credit for Childcare Scheme and the Tax Credits for Childcare Scheme.
Alternative Provision (AP) creates additional places for mainstream school leaders and staff to address challenging behaviour earlier and re-engage pupils in education. The national expectation is that AP is an intervention rather than a long-term destination and should be used by schools for short-term placements with a view to re-integrating pupils as soon as possible.
The Council coordinates the Safety Advisory Group, which meets regularly to consider large scale events or events that are likely to have a significant local impact.
The NZAP sets out actions that we can take to reach our ambition to be a net zero borough by 2041. This summary includes the latest data available and outlines our progress in numbers so far.