To identify possible broader areas of need and to initiate intervention:
- British Dyslexia Association (BDA) Neurodiversity screener – two available: one for primary aged and another for secondary (no link to secondary screener).
- SNAP SpLD (subscription required) – also includes more detailed tests useful for stage 2
- Inclusion Development Programme Checklists – e.g. literacy skills checklist: one for primary aged and another for secondary.
- Paper-based and online dyslexia screening assessments (available from GL Assessment).
- The Dyscalculia Checklist (Steve Chinn and activities from ‘More Trouble with Maths’ (2017).
- British Dyslexia Association – Dyscalculia and Dyslexia checklists.
- Basic skills assessments– assesses basic common and phonic word skills to set targets and inform teaching.
NOTE: Be mindful that diagnostic labels should be avoided at all costs until identification has been carried out by a suitably qualified professional in response to reviews undertaken as part of the APDR cycle. It is wise to simply refer to the types of needs identified and the support that is required to accelerate the progress of the pupil in these areas.
To gain up-to-date data regarding specific learning skills, in comparison to similar aged peers. (These are not curriculum-based tests):
- Standardised word-level and sentence-level reading tests.
- Diagnostic Reading Analysis - 3rd edition.
- York Assessment and Reading Comprehension.
- Academic Achievement Battery single word and sentence-level reading subtests.
- Salford Sentence Reading Test – 2nd edition.
- Spelling Tests.
- Helen Arkell Spelling Test – 2nd edition.
- Spelling test included in the Dyslexia Portfolio (see initial screening test for details …. although not included!).
- Academic Achievement Battery spelling subtest.
These usually include a battery of subtests in order to further investigate a certain type of need e.g. Speech, Language and Communication Need, SpLD etc.
- Dyslexia screener portfolio and guidance – includes a battery of tests which can highlight difficulties in dyslexia-associated skills.
- Dyscalculia screener and guidance – online screening tool with tests assessing subitising, number sense etc. (minimum purchase 10 tests).
- Dynamo Post 14 Maths Profiler – For subscribing schools, this provides a tailored programme of intervention post-test.
- Diagnostic Assessment of Maths Skills (DANS) – for KS1 and KS2 only.
To establish a picture of underlying abilities, phonological awareness/processing, working memory, information processing speed, reasoning capacity etc. These would ordinarily be carried out for a specialist teacher, Educational Psychologist or suitably qualified assessor.