Our plans – In planning for my future I know what will happen, when it will happen and who I can communicate with about this

What we have done so far:

  • Improved how we work with schools and colleges and introduced a yearly Transitions Event for you and your family;
  • Improved how staff across the Council work together to support you as you get older, and put better systems in place to make sure this works;
  • Reviewed our Adults project plan which looks at what we want to improve over the next year if you are between 14-25 years old. This included focus groups and workshops with young people and parent carers to understand your views and experience. The action plan will help us work together better.

What else you want us to do:

  • Join up more of our processes and communication across education, health, care and the community so we work better to support you in being the best you can be. For example, we will look at our Youth Offer;
  • Provide information so people supporting you (including in schools and colleges and your family) can start to talk to you about your future and what could be possible. We will do this in different ways;
  • Understand Solihull’s Post 16 offer and improve this. For it to be more welcoming to all young people, provide different options and help them into employment. For example, our Supported Employment Programme will help you get into a supported internship, unpaid work experience and paid work.