The sensory and physical impairment team is a highly specialist team experienced in working with children and young people who have a hearing impairment, physical disability, multi-sensory impairment or visual impairment.
Any concerns you as a parent/carer have regarding your child having a specific learning difficulty e.g. dyslexia, should be discussed initially with your child’s teacher and where concerns have been on-going, with the school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO).
As part of the ‘graduated approach’, schools can request additional provision from the CLD team in the form of 1:1 or small group intervention to improve pupil outcomes. Ordinarily, the focus would be on literacy or numeracy skill development.
The CLD team offers a wide variety of twilight, half and full day training packages. These can be purchased as part of a subscribing school’s allocated hours, or as a ‘spot purchase’ where a setting is non-subscribing. Courses offered are aimed at developing understanding, knowledge and skills for staff that work in schools and educational establishments to support pupils with SEND, and in turn, improve outcomes.
Some children and young people with autism may need additional support as they transition (or move) from one setting to another. A range of help is available to support you and your child or young person to prepare for a change.