The Government has recently published the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 under section 13 of the Animal Welfare Act 2006.
Solihull Council is working with partners to develop an innovative and reliable new district Energy Network that will deliver heat and hot water into the taps, radiators, and heating systems of connected town centre buildings.
Consultations are a valuable way of gathering the thoughts and opinions of people about a variety of subjects. They provide an opportunity for people to have their say and help the council reach decisions about important matters.
The Census is the most comprehensive single survey of the United Kingdom population. It aims to count all people and households at the same time, allowing comparison between different areas of the country and different groups of people.
Each year we check that the right people are registered to vote at every address in the Borough. From the start of July, you will be contacted by Electoral Services to check that the details we have are correct.