CWD - Children and family social care assessment

Whilst we can support most children through early help, some children will also need a children and family social care assessment. You can ask for a children and family social care assessment through Solihull front door/MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) or your child’s Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) assessment or review process.

They will ask a member of the children children’s social care team to contact you.

Please be aware that the children and families front door deals with all social care requests, including ‘children in need' and child protection. Children with disabilities are defined as ‘children in need’ under Section 17 of the Children Act 1989.

Where children have disabilities considered to be severe or profound, it is recognised that a specialist service is likely to be required. These children and young people will be referred to the Children With Disabilities (CWD) Team if they require a social work service where there needs relate to a disability.

Following the assessment we will work with parents and carers to implement a plan aimed at meeting any a child or young persons needs. We may also make suggestions on how any existing early help plan could be updated.

For disabled children and young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan, the social care assessment will determine the social care element of that plan, where this is required. We work closely with the EHCP Team and any health services about education, health and care planning.

We also work in partnership with others such as voluntary sector organisations, education providers and adult social care, to ensure a smooth transition to adulthood for young people who receive our services.

For children with high levels of assessed need and associated challenges for them and their families, we are able to provide or signpost to a range of services including:

  • direct payments (Children's Direct Payment Policy) to access a range of support options such as:
    • a personal assistant
    • a budget to directly commission a support agency
    • respite care
    • other creative uses of direct payments can be achieved and will be discussed at care planning stage.
  • support to access community activities
  • care for children and young people who cannot be cared for in their own families
  • parent carer’s assessments from Solihull Carers Trust
  • helping young people with the transition into adulthood
  • behaviour support for families experiencing difficulties managing their child's care and behaviour in the home
  • short break overnight provision for children and young people with critical levels of need
  • equipment and adaptations to housing (only provided following an occupational therapist assessment)

The support options available are based on your needs and will be discussed with you at the support planning stage.

Any support plan is subject to review and may change. Our aim is to ensure that all children and young people with a disability have appropriate access to mainstream services such as:

  • education
  • primary health
  • mental health care
  • after school activities
  • holiday play schemes

Where a child, young person or family requests an assessment, this is carried out by talking and listening to them and gathering information, with consent, from professionals who know the child or young person, such as GP, school and health visitor.

The assessment will consider the specific needs of parents and other family members in their role as carers however a standalone parent carer assessment can be requested through the Carers Trust.