CWD - What happens after a social care assessment

At the end of the assessment, and with your help, the social worker will draw up a plan of action. 

This may be no further action, if we can provide advice or signpost you to other services. The social worker may recommend further involvement from children’s social care, such as Level 2 social care support or child in need (CIN) support, or if there are concerns about the welfare of children, they may recommend a child protection investigation. 

Level 2 Social Care Support

This is a low-level package of support that will provided by a Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) social care family support worker. This will be reviewed on a 12 month basis in line with your EHC Plan.

Child In Need (CIN) plan

If a Child In Need (CIN) plan is agreed, then the social worker will arrange regular meetings with you and a group of professionals to agree if the CIN plan: 

  • is still required and if so, what needs to be done next, when and who by
  • can step down to Level 2 social care support and if so, why and how that will be organised
  • needs to step up to child protection and if so, why and how that will be organised
  • is no longer required and if so, why and how it will end

If we cannot help you, we will tell you about other options or agencies that are available.

We will help you to access any services you need. However, as there is a high demand for many of our services, you might have to wait a while, or we may have to find an alternative for you. We cannot a particular service will be provided.