APDR – Review

Regular reviews of the My Support Plan / Individual Education Plan will include parent and the young person. The review should focus on progress of the young person, effectiveness of strategies/resources, sharing new information and agreeing new outcomes.   

The SENCo  needs to consider the following when conducting reviews:  

  • All relevant adults, including parents, need to be invited to the review and given notice to attend.
  • Relevant school staff need to be actively involved in the review process so they can report on how interventions in and out of the classroom have been implemented and the progress that has been made.
  • School staff need to have time to attend review meetings, whenever possible.  
  • All relevant information needs to be available at the review, including:   
  • Assessment of the young person's progress in the area of concern.
  • Information about the adjustments that have been made in the classroom and their effectiveness and any other updated information.
  • The young person needs to be actively involved in the review as appropriate to their age and developmental level. 
  • How the additional support has been implemented and the outcomes? What progress has the young person made in line with any outcomes that were set?  

There are a number of actions that could be concluded from the review:

  • The young person's needs have changed and the level of support can be reduced to encourage more independence.
  • The young person's needs continue and the level of support needs to continue.
  • The young person's needs have changed resulting in the level of support to be refined and possibly increased.
  • Additional advice from specialist support services is required.
  • Very occasionally the review will indicate that significant concerns remain despite rigorous cycles of Assess, Plan, Do, Review, and advice from specialist support services implemented in school. In such cases further assessment can be requested through an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment.